ASI and business
The department is seeking industrials to cooperate in the setting up of informative events such as the ASI technical seminars. Thus in 2000, ASI was able to organize a day devoted entirely to free software. In 2001, the topic was Business Intelligence.
Participation in education
The participation of specialists in each area of study of the ASI education appears necessary in order to go further into certain areas.
If you wish to participate in one of our classes, contact us !
Speciality internships
This internship takes place at the end of the third or fourth year. The required length is a minimum of 4 weeks and a maximum of 8 weeks. During this internship the student will have to put the knowledge acquired during his training into practice and will have to deepen his know-how inside the company. At the end of his internship the student will be required to do a written report. The validation of the internship depends on the quality of the work performed, the report and the evaluation form from the industrial supervisor.
Engineer internships
This internship takes place throughout the second semester of the fifth year. Its goal is to enter the student into the work force. At the end of his internship the student will be required to do a report and prepare a defense to be presented in front of one or two professors.
Certified INSA Project (PIC)
The ASI department offers students a Certified INSA Project (PIC). This project starts in the second semester of the second year and lasts a year. It allows the student to fathom their first large scale industrial type project. The PIC will take place within INSA, part-time and in a group of 8 to 9 people.